Dienstag, 28. Juli 2015

Dream big. #thisgirlgotissues {english}

Dream big. That is one statement, isn't it?
I don't know why but reading statements like this one encourages me. It reminds me of what I want to achieve and what I should be doing right now in order to achieve that.
I've always dreamt big. I've always thought there are no limits.
As long as we can imagine it there is a way to make it happen.
Because if we keep our dreams little there is no power nor passion to pursue our ambitions.
Sometimes I am filled with optimism. So full of positive thoughts that I think I could save the whole world. Most often these times happen when I am out in the nature at night or right before going to bed. Then I am thinking 'tomorrow I will start doing everything I haven't done til now, tomorrow is the day, the day I've always dreamt of, changing my life'.
Then I wake up and fall into 'old' habits - being old since yesterday evening - and do my usual stuff. And there is a glimpse of sadness in me about not having changed my life today. What a great failure again. But I accept it. Because it works as it is. I am not particularily happy. But it goes by. Time passes by.
And sometimes I hope to wake up tomorrow and realising that it was all a long dream. A long and detailed dream. And I will wake up and all the sorrows lived through were only one big dream. And in 'real life' my life is as I imagined it in the dream one day to be. But this never happened til now. Well, thats one big nightmare, right?
No one is happy through all the years he lives.
We are all going through hard times. Really hard times. Obvious for everybody on the surface or all hooked up inside oneself.
The difference between us is how we all handle it.
Some will diminish there expectations and some will dream even bigger.
I need to get thrown out in the world. New territory. New experiences. I have to be forced into new incidents. New encounters have to happen.
And thats what I am doing. 51 days from now I will be sitting in a plane to my adventure. My great adventure after graduation.
And it will disappoint me so hard but at the same time be everything I hoped it would be. It will surprise me and it will change me. Hopefully.
Well, let's say there's only one human being coming back from a long travel and haven't changed at all. Let's hope that is an exception to the rule. As far as there are rules to this subject.
So my one advise in life is DREAM BIG. Because that's how we role. That's how it works.
That's life. We need ambitions that help us going through hard times. Ambitions that are greater than the necessary suffering in order to achieve them.
Ambitions that seem impossible. At the time.
Dream big. Think of the impossible being possible. Because you can make it happen. You can make it real.
We need to remind us of that everyday. If we don't try it then who will?
Let us be the exception to the rule. The new trail next to the highway. A little path just for us.
Dream big. Dream so big everyone will laugh at you. Dream so big the sky seems to be one little bluey painting on canvas in comparison. Dream so big nobody will understand you until you are standing right in front of them showing them your achievements.
Dream big.
And never stop. 

Dienstag, 14. Juli 2015

Ich habe keine Bibel.

Jeder fragt mich, was ich darf und was ich nicht darf.
Und ich freue mich über das Interesse.
Aber ihr habt alle Google oder Siri.
Die sind gerne hilfsbereit.
Es gibt da keine Bibel.
Kein Gesetzbuch.
'Das Veganesentum', so würd es heißen.
Exotisches Volk.
Ich muss Fragen beantworten, die ich tausend mal oder noch nie gehört habe.
Keinen Gedanken daran verschwendet oder das Gehirn zermatert.
Nichtsdestotrotz sind das meine Antworten.
Meine persönlichen Empfindungen.
Sie spiegeln meine Einstellungen wider.
Ich kann nicht für jeden Veganer Stellvertreter sein.
Genauso wenig wie jeder Bayer einen Kuhstall und Gummistiefel vorm Haus hat.
Ich habe eine Entscheidung getroffen, möglichst keinem Tier Leid zu zu fügen.
Mit der Natur im Einklang.
Und dafür eintreten.
Wie andere das handhaben, ist ein anderes Paar Schuh.
Also fragt mich nach meiner Einstellung nur zu gerne.
Aber fragt nicht, ob es Veganern erlaubt ist.
Das kann ich schlichtweg nicht beurteilen.
Und fragt mich nicht, was ich darf und was ich nicht darf.
Denn ich will.
Ja ich will.
Ich mache das freiwillig.
Ich habe keine Eid geleistet und nicht auf etwas geschworen.
Ich mach es einfach.
Und könnte es auch lassen.
Aber das will ich nicht.
Und genau darum gehts.